1. Aaron KELLY-1 was born on 26 Jul 1806 in Shamokin Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA. He lived
in Shamokin, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, United States in 1830. He lived in Shamokin,
Northumberland, Pennsylvania in 1850 (Carpenter). He lived in Perry, Morrow, Ohio, United States in
1860. He lived in Perry, Morrow, Ohio, United States in 1870. He lived in Woodbury, Morrow, Ohio,
United States in 1880. Sex: Male. He died in Morrow, Ohio, USA.
Sarah ROCKEFELLER daughter of Peter Rockefeller and Elizabeth MILLER was born on 12 Mar
1811. She lived in Woodbury, Morrow, Ohio, United States in 1880. She died on 08 Feb 1889 in
Morrow, Ohio, USA. Sex: Female.
Aaron KELLY and Sarah ROCKEFELLER were married on 08 Dec 1829. They had the following children:
i. Hiram R. KELLY was born on 07 Feb 1835 in Shamokin, PA. He died on 04 Jan 1897 in
Galion, Crawford, Ohio, USA.
ii. Ann KELLY was born in 1838 in Shamokin Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA.
iii. Sam KELLY was born in 1843 in Shamokin Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA.
iv. Jeremiah Kelly was born about 1830 in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, USA. He
died in Missouri, USA.
Generation 2
Hiram R. KELLY-2 (Aaron-1) was born on 07 Feb 1835 in Shamokin, PA. He lived in Shamokin,
Northumberland, Pennsylvania in 1850. He lived in Congress, Morrow, Ohio, USA in 1860. He lived in
Galion, Crawford, Ohio, United States in 1870. He lived in Galion, Crawford, Ohio, United States in
1880. He died on 04 Jan 1897 in Galion, Crawford, Ohio, USA. Sex: Male. Other: West Point, OH;
Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati: Cincinnati Medical College, 1856, OH-03 Starling Medical
College, Columbus, 1865, (G).
Dr. H. R. Kelly died after an illness of only six days. He was 62 years of age. Hiram R. Kelly, son of
Aron and Sarah Rackafellow Kelly, was born February 7, 1835, in Shamokin township,
Northumberland county, Pa. He received his early education in the common schools until reaching the
age of 13, serving then as a clerk in a store for two years. At the expiration of that time he began
teaching school and continued until 1853, when he removed to Ohio. Upon arriving in this state he settled in Perry township, Morrow county, teaching school one year. In 1854 he' became student of the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, pursuing his studies until 1856, when he went to Cincinnati .where he attended a full course of medical lectures, after which he came to West Point, Morrow county, and engaged in the practice of medicine until 1865, when he went to Columbus and attended another full course of lectures at Starling Medical College and graduated. Returning to West Point he remained and practiced medicine until 1870, when he came to Gabon, where he was an honored and respected citizen until death, practicing his profession all these years. The deceased was married in 1858, to Miss Matilda Emma Keech, of Chester county, Pa. The union was blessed with one son, Webb J., who is a practicing physician of this city, and with his mother survives to mourn at the bier of a loved husband and father. In addition to attending to a large practice. Dr. Kelly has been foremost in many of the affairs of the commonwealth and has held a number of positions of honor and trust. He was a member of the Ohio State Medical Society, and in 1878 was appointed a trustee of the Girls' Industrial Home at Delaware. For 12 years he was a member of the board ot education. He was connected with the medical and surgical departments of the Erie Railway for 27 years and was the oldest surgeon on the road. He was one of the prime movers in establishing beautiful Fairview cemetery and held the position of president of the cemetery association at the time of his death. He was the first past chancellor of abon lodge Knights of Pythias and its representative to the grand lodge. With one exception he was the oldest Odd Fellow in this city and was a Mason 35 years. He maintained his membership in all these organizations. As physician he enjoyed a large practice and as a citizen he was most highly esteemed. His death is most deeply regretted.
Matilda Emma KEECH was born in 1838 in Pennsylvania. She lived in Galion, Crawford, Ohio,
United States in 1880.
Hiram R. KELLY and Matilda Emma KEECH married. They had the one child:
i. Webster J KELLY was born in 1858 in Ohio, USA. He lived in Congress, Morrow, Ohio,
United States in 1860. He lived in Galion, Crawford, Ohio, United States in 1880.
Jeremiah Kelly-2 (Aaron-1) was born about 1830 in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, USA. He
lived in Morrow County, Ohio, USA in 1860. Sex: Male. He died in Missouri, USA.
Sarah Gheringer was born in 1825 in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania ,USA. She died in Woodbury, Ohio, USA.
Jeremiah Kelly and Sarah Gheringer married. They had the following children:
i. Sarah Alice Kelly was born on 13 Aug 1854. She married James Allen Lucas on 07 May
1872 in Frederickstown, Ohio, USA. She died on 06 Aug 1929 in Anadarko, Oklahoma,
ii. Carrie Kelly was born in 1852 in PA, USA.
iii. Hiram Kelly was born in 1856 in Morrow County, Ohio, USA.
iv. Howard Kelly was born in 1858 in Morrow County, Ohio, USA.
Generation 3
4. Sarah Alice Kelly-3 (Jeremiah-2, Aaron-1) was born on 13 Aug 1854. She died on 06 Aug 1929 in
Anadarko, Oklahoma, USA. Sex: Female.
James Allen Lucas son of Johann Adam Lucas and Magdalena Emig was born on 06 Apr 1852 in
Woodbury, Ohio, USA. He lived in Perry, Morrow, Ohio, United States in 1870. He died on 30 Sep
1879 in Forrest City, Missouri, USA. Sex: Male.
James Allen Lucas and Sarah Alice Kelly were married on 07 May 1872 in Frederickstown, Ohio,
USA. They had the following children:
i. Alexis L Lucas was born on 11 Nov 1874 in White Cloud, Kansas, USA. He died on 20
Nov 1943 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA.
Generation 4
Alexis L Lucas-4 (Sarah Alice-3, Jeremiah-2, Aaron-1) was born on 11 Nov 1874 in White Cloud,
Kansas, USA. He lived in Tonkawa, Caddo, Oklahoma in 1920. He died on 20 Nov 1943 in Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma, USA. Sex: Male.
Sarah Agnes Close was born in Atchinson County, Missouri, USA. She lived in Tonkawa, Caddo,
Oklahoma in 1920. Sex: Female. She died in Anadarko, Oklahoma, USA.
Alexis L Lucas and Sarah Agnes Close married. They had the following children:
i. John Allen Lucas was born about 1898 in Mounds City, Missouri, USA. He lived in
Tonkawa, Caddo, Oklahoma in 1920. He died about 1964 in Anadarko, Oklahoma, USA.
ii. Richard M Lucas was born in 1905 in Missouri. He lived in Tonkawa, Caddo, Oklahoma in
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
In the name of God—Amen: This sixth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three I Peter Rockefelder of the township of Amwell, County of Hunterdon and Western Division of the Province of New Jersey, yeom being of perfect health and sound of mind and memory blessed be God, do, in this my time of health make this my last will and testament writing in manner and form following, viz:
Item, I give and bequeath to my son William Rockafelt all my lands or plantation lying in Amwell Township, County of Hunterdon, New Jersey purchased of William Burtis, Samuel Green, and Justice Gonce Bounded South by Ezcal Rose's land, West by James Abits land, North by Peter Fisher's land, East by Noah Hixon's land, containing two hundred seventy and five acres of land be there more or less all the above described land with all thereunto appertaining or thereunto belonging I give to him the said William Rockafelt and his heirs and assigns forever, except a half acre where the Burying Place is. In consideration thereof the said William Rockafelt is to pay to my Executors hereafter named the sum of three hundred and twenty-five pounds of good and lawful money of the Province of New Jersey to be paid in four equal payments, the first payment to be paid in one year after my decease and one the year following the first payment and so yearly and every year till the above three hundred and twenty five pounds be paid.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son Peter Rockafelt the sum of ten pounds of good and lawful money of the Province aforesaid over and above his equal share of my moveable estate as my eldest son or heir at law above what shall hereafter be given him.
Item, I give unto my Son Peter Rockafelt one equal sixth part of all my moveable estate as also one equal sixth part of the three hundred and twenty-five pounds that my Son, William Rockafelt is to pay to my Executors for and in consideration of his having my Real Estate.
Item, I give to my daughter Mary Gatir one equal sixth of all my moveable estate as also one equal sixth part of the three hundred and twenty-five pounds that my son William is to pay in consideration of his having my Real Estate.
Item, I give to my daughter Ann Runk the one equal sixth part of all my moveable estate also one equal sixth part of the three hundred and twenty-five pounds that my son William is to pay to my Executors in consideration of his having my Real Estate.
Item, I give to my daughter Elizabeth Johnson one equal sixth part of all my moveable estate and also one equal sixth part of the three hundred and twenty-five pounds that my Son William is to pay to my Executors in consideration of his having my Real Estate. And, whereas my daughter Else Snuke is departed this life and left four children William, Ann, John and Peter I give to the above said Else Snuke's children one equal sixth part of my Personal Estate and also one sixth part of the three hundred and twenty-five pounds that my Son William is to pay to my Executors in consideration of his having my Real Estate to be equally divided amongst my daughter Else Snuke's four children or so many of them as shall live to come of age, the sons at the age of twenty-one and the daughter at the age of eighteen till which time their share or part is to be put out at interest and the money paid them as they come of age.
And, whereas, my daughter Catherine has married that orban or so very ill that she cannot live with him my will is that my Executors hereafter named should keep one equal sixth part of all my moveable estate and also one sixth part of the three hundred and twenty pounds that my son William is to pay to my Executors in their hands to-wards maintaining my daughter Cristane and apply it for her support or maintainence as long as she lives and after her decease, if any remains, the remaining part to be equally divided amongst my children.
But if it so happen that my said daughter Cristeen should live after the said sixth part was expended my will is that all my children should equally contribute toward her support. And I do appoint my son Peter Rockefelt and Philip Peters Executors of this my last will and testament and I do hereby revoke all former wills by me made and do acknowledge this to be my last will and testament.
In Witness whereof I Peter Rockefelt have set my hand and seal the day and year first above mentioned.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son William Rockafelt all my lands or plantation lying in Amwell Township, County of Hunterdon, New Jersey purchased of William Burtis, Samuel Green, and Justice Gonce Bounded South by Ezcal Rose's land, West by James Abits land, North by Peter Fisher's land, East by Noah Hixon's land, containing two hundred seventy and five acres of land be there more or less all the above described land with all thereunto appertaining or thereunto belonging I give to him the said William Rockafelt and his heirs and assigns forever, except a half acre where the Burying Place is. In consideration thereof the said William Rockafelt is to pay to my Executors hereafter named the sum of three hundred and twenty-five pounds of good and lawful money of the Province of New Jersey to be paid in four equal payments, the first payment to be paid in one year after my decease and one the year following the first payment and so yearly and every year till the above three hundred and twenty five pounds be paid.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son Peter Rockafelt the sum of ten pounds of good and lawful money of the Province aforesaid over and above his equal share of my moveable estate as my eldest son or heir at law above what shall hereafter be given him.
Item, I give unto my Son Peter Rockafelt one equal sixth part of all my moveable estate as also one equal sixth part of the three hundred and twenty-five pounds that my Son, William Rockafelt is to pay to my Executors for and in consideration of his having my Real Estate.
Item, I give to my daughter Mary Gatir one equal sixth of all my moveable estate as also one equal sixth part of the three hundred and twenty-five pounds that my son William is to pay in consideration of his having my Real Estate.
Item, I give to my daughter Ann Runk the one equal sixth part of all my moveable estate also one equal sixth part of the three hundred and twenty-five pounds that my son William is to pay to my Executors in consideration of his having my Real Estate.
Item, I give to my daughter Elizabeth Johnson one equal sixth part of all my moveable estate and also one equal sixth part of the three hundred and twenty-five pounds that my Son William is to pay to my Executors in consideration of his having my Real Estate. And, whereas my daughter Else Snuke is departed this life and left four children William, Ann, John and Peter I give to the above said Else Snuke's children one equal sixth part of my Personal Estate and also one sixth part of the three hundred and twenty-five pounds that my Son William is to pay to my Executors in consideration of his having my Real Estate to be equally divided amongst my daughter Else Snuke's four children or so many of them as shall live to come of age, the sons at the age of twenty-one and the daughter at the age of eighteen till which time their share or part is to be put out at interest and the money paid them as they come of age.
And, whereas, my daughter Catherine has married that orban or so very ill that she cannot live with him my will is that my Executors hereafter named should keep one equal sixth part of all my moveable estate and also one sixth part of the three hundred and twenty pounds that my son William is to pay to my Executors in their hands to-wards maintaining my daughter Cristane and apply it for her support or maintainence as long as she lives and after her decease, if any remains, the remaining part to be equally divided amongst my children.
But if it so happen that my said daughter Cristeen should live after the said sixth part was expended my will is that all my children should equally contribute toward her support. And I do appoint my son Peter Rockefelt and Philip Peters Executors of this my last will and testament and I do hereby revoke all former wills by me made and do acknowledge this to be my last will and testament.
In Witness whereof I Peter Rockefelt have set my hand and seal the day and year first above mentioned.
Maria Rockefeller wife of Samuel Kelly (my direct ancestor)
Generation 1
1. Maria ROCKERFELLER daughter of Peter Rockefeller and Elizabeth MILLER was born on 22 Feb 1807 in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania ,USA. She lived in Shamokin, Northumberland, Pennsylvania in 1850. She died on 21 Feb 1855. She married Samuel KELLY son of David KELLY and Mary BALLARD was born on 02 Oct 1808 in Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA. He lived in Shamokin, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, United States in 1840 through 1860. He lived in Lower Augusta, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, United States in 1870 and 1880. They had 9 children.
Generation 2
2. Peter Rockefeller son of Godfrey Rockefeller and Margaret Lewis was born in 1781 in Hunterdon Co., NJ. He lived in Shamokin, Northampton, Pennsylvania in 1800. He died in Apr 1809 in Shamokin, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, United States. He married Sarah Cool in New Jersey; she was born on Unknown in Hunterdon Co., NJ. She died about 1801.
Peter Rockefeller and Sarah Cool were married in New Jersey. They had one child.
i. Eliza Rockefeller was born on 20 Jan 1796 in Snydertown, Northumberland County, PA.
She died on 26 Aug 1881. Sex: Female. She was buried in Klinesgrove Cemetery.
Peter Rockefeller married(2) Elizabeth MILLER was born in 1788. She died in 1865. They were married on 08 Mar 1799 in Hunterdon Co.,NJ,USA.
They had the following children:
i. Maria ROCKERFELLER was born on 22 Feb 1807 in Northumberland County,
Pennsylvania ,USA. She lived in Shamokin, Northumberland, Pennsylvania in 1850. She
died on 21 Feb 1855.
ii. Sarah ROCKEFELLER was born on 12 Mar 1811. She married Aaron KELLY on 08 Dec 1829 in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania ,USA. She lived in Woodbury, Morrow, Ohio, United States in 1880. She died on 08 Feb 1889 in Morrow, Ohio, USA
iii. Hiram Rockefeller was born on 04 Oct 1808 in Pennsylvania, United States. He married
Elizabeth Wilkinson on 24 May 1836 in Northumberland, Northumberland, Pennsylvania,
United States. He died on 24 Nov 1894 in Northumberland County, PA. He was
buried in Irish Valley Methodist Church Cemetery. Transcription of Burial stone “age 86 years 1 month 20 days at his death on November 24, 1894.”
iv. Ann Rockefeller was born on Unknown. She died on Unknown.
Generation 3
4. Godfrey Rockefeller son of Johann Peter Rockefeller Jr and Mary Bellis was born in 1745 in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, USA. He died on 03 Jan 1818 in Snydertown, Hunterdon, New Jersey, United States. He was buried in Presbyterian Chapel, Shamokin, Northumberland, PA.
He married Margaret Lewis was born about 1759 in Hunterdon County, NJ. She died about 1790 in Snydertown, Northumberland, PA. She was buried in Presbyterian Chapel, Shamokin, Northumberland, PA. Godfrey Rockefeller and Margaret Lewis were married in Aug 1776 in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey. They had the following children:
i. Peter Rockefeller was born in 1781 in Hunterdon Co., NJ. He married Elizabeth MILLER
on 08 Mar 1799 in Hunterdon Co., NJ, USA. He lived in Shamokin, Northampton,
Pennsylvania in 1800. He died in Apr 1809 in Shamokin, Northumberland, Pennsylvania,
United States.
Generation 4
8. Johann Peter Rockefeller Jr son of Johann Peter Rockefeller and Anna Marie Remagen was born
on 22 Mar 1711 in Westerwald, Schaumburg, Niedersachsen, Germany. He died on 14 May 1787 in
Amwell, Hunterdon, New Jersey, USA. He lived in New York, USA between 1909-1925. He lived in
New York, USA between 1909-1925. Sex: Male. He lived in Hunterdon County, NJ.
Johann Peter Rockefeller Jr married 1st Elizabeth Peterson. They had no children.
Johann Peter Rockefeller Jr. married 2nd Mary Bellis daughter of William Bellis was born in 1723 in New Jersey, USA. She died in 1772 in New Jersey, USA. They were married in 1740 in New Jersey, USA. They had the following children:
i. Peter Rockefeller was born in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, USA. Sex: Male.
ii. John Rockefeller was born in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, USA. Sex: Male.
iii. Henry Rockefeller was born on 07 Mar 1747 in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, USA.
iv. William Rockefeller was born in 1750 in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, USA.
(William & Christina are the Great-Grandparents of John D. William of Standard Oil).
v. Mary Rockefeller was born in 1753 in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, USA.
vi. Jacob Rockefeller was born on 25 Jun 1756 in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, USA.
vii. David Rockefeller was born in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, USA. Sex: Male.
viii. Elizabeth Rockefeller was born in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, USA. Sex: Female.
ix. Godfrey Rockefeller was born in 1745 in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, USA. He
married Margaret Lewis in Aug 1776 in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, USA. He died on
03 Jan 1818 in Snydertown, Hunterdon, New Jersey, United States. He was buried in Presbyterian Chapel, Shamokin, Northumberland, PA.
Generation 5
16. Johann Peter Rockefeller son of Johannes G Rockefeller and Elizabeth Margaretha Remagen was born on 17 Oct 1681 in Wied, Westerwaldkreis, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. The ship Johann and his sons came to America on was intended to land at NY Harbor, but the advers heavy northeast winds drove them south to Phil. Pa. From there they started to go overland to the Hudson River and to East Camp, NY but on the way many of them found the land of West NJ so well suited to farming they settled in Hunt. Co., NJ. He died on 06 Dec 1765 in Rocktown, Hunterdon, New Jersey, USA.
He married Anna Marie Remagen was born in 1684 in Westerwald, Schaumburg, Niedersachsen, Germany. She died in 1719 in Segendorf, Neuwied, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. Sex: Female.
Johann Peter Rockefeller and Anna Marie Remagen were married on 01 Dec 1707 in , Sagendorf,
Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. They had the following children:
i. Johann Peter Rockefeller Jr was born on 22 Mar 1711 in Westerwald, Schaumburg,
Niedersachsen, Germany. He married Mary Bellis in 1740 in New Jersey, USA. He died on
14 May 1787 in Amwell, Hunterdon, New Jersey, USA. He lived in New York, USA between
1909- 1925. He lived in New York, USA between 1909-1925. He lived in Hunterdon County, NJ.
Johann Peter Rockefeller and his two sons Peter and John came to America about 1720, arriving at Philadelphia. They were naturalized in 1730. Peter (known as second Peter) son of Johann Peter settled a few miles below Flemington in the township of Amwell. Johann Peter, the father, presumably settled farther north along the South Branch of the Raritan River where he built a mill on the site of the one now owned by Lewis Holcombe. This mill was rebuilt in 1838 and is still standing.
ii. Marie Eva Rockefeller was born in Germany. Sex: Female.
iii Christine Rockefeller was born in Germany. Sex: Female.
iv. Elizabeth Rockefeller. Sex: Female.
v. Elsie/Alice Rockefeller. Sex: Female.
vi. Christine Rockefeller was born in Germany. Sex: Female.
Children with 2nd wife Elizabeth Christina Runkle (b abt 1700) who he married 10/29/1720 in Bonefeld, Germany:
i. Catherine C. 3/3/31721/22 in Germany
ii. Ann C. 6/17/24 in Somerset Co., NJ
iii. Elizabeth b abt 1726 in Amwell, Hunt. Co., NJ
iv. William b abt 1727 in Amwell Twp., Hunt. Co., NJ
v. Mary
Generation 6
Johannes G Rockefeller son of Goddard ROCKENFELLER and Magdalena Unknown
was born in 1634 in Westerwald, Schaumburg, Niedersachsen, Germany. He died on 24 Aug 1684 in
Sengendorf, Neuwied, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
Johannes Goddard married Elizabeth Margaretha Remagen. She was born in 1634 in Segendorf, Neuwied, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. She died on 30 Jun 1678 in Segendorf, Neuwied, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. Their child was.
.i. Johann Peter Rockefeller was born on 17 Oct 1681 in Wied, Westerwaldkreis, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. He married Anna Marie Remagen on 01 Dec 1707 in , Sagendorf, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. He arrived in New York, NY in 1710. He died on 06 Dec 1765 in Rocktown, Hunterdon, New Jersey, USA. Sex: Male.
Generation 7
Goddard ROCKENFELLER son of Rockenfeller was born in 1590 in Westerwald, Schaumburg,
Niedersachsen, Germany. He died on 02 Aug 1684 in Segendorf, Neuwied, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
The Rockefellers trace their paternal line to Goddard Rockenfeller (1590) of Fahr, today part of
Neuwied, Germany. Goddard Rockenfeller may have been descended from Augier de Roquefeuil,
younger brother of Guillaume IV de Roquefeuil; and John (Jean) de Roquefeuil, the ancestor of the
Roquefeuil-Versols and Saint Etienne, Family of France; the sons of Adhemar I de Roquefeuil, Sire of
Versols (died 1477). Goddard Rockenfeller and his wife Magdalena lived in Rockenfeld, a small village in a woodland area of Westenvald, Germany, named for a person who built the first house there. "In the village of Rockenfeld the winters are long and severe...thunderstones, rain and rainbows are frequently seen. The soil is of clay, heavy and wet, but very fertile. The air is chilly...." The date of Goddards death is not know. Magdelena was still living on November 23, 1656, when she was sponsor at a christening. The first Rockefeller to settle in America was Johann Peter Rockefellerin in 1710, and moved in 1787, to Amwell Township, New Jersey.
He married Magdalena Unknown. She was born in 1592 in Westerwald, Schaumburg, Niedersachsen,
Germany and She died after 23 Nov 1656.
Goddard ROCKENFELLER and Magdalena Unknown had the following children:
i. Christian ROCKENFELLER was born in 1622 in Rockenfeld, Germany.
ii. Andreas ROCKENFELLER was born in 1624 in Rockenfeld, Germany.
iii. Johann Wilhelm ROCKENFELLER. in 1628 in Westerwald, Schaumburg,
Niedersachsen, Germany. He died on 06 Jul 1695 in Westerwald, Schaumburg, Germany.
iv. Johannes G Rockefeller was born in 1634 in Westerwald, Schaumburg, Niedersachsen,
Germany. He died on 24 Aug 1684 in Segendorf, Neuwied, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
v. Elizabeth ROCKENFELLER was born in 1637 in Rockenfeld, Germany.
Generation 8
Rockenfeller and unknown spouse married. They had the following child:
i. Goddard ROCKENFELLER was born in 1590 in Westerwald, Schaumburg, Niedersachsen, Germany. He died on 02 Aug 1684 in Segendorf, Neuwied, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. .
1. Maria ROCKERFELLER daughter of Peter Rockefeller and Elizabeth MILLER was born on 22 Feb 1807 in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania ,USA. She lived in Shamokin, Northumberland, Pennsylvania in 1850. She died on 21 Feb 1855. She married Samuel KELLY son of David KELLY and Mary BALLARD was born on 02 Oct 1808 in Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USA. He lived in Shamokin, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, United States in 1840 through 1860. He lived in Lower Augusta, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, United States in 1870 and 1880. They had 9 children.
Generation 2
2. Peter Rockefeller son of Godfrey Rockefeller and Margaret Lewis was born in 1781 in Hunterdon Co., NJ. He lived in Shamokin, Northampton, Pennsylvania in 1800. He died in Apr 1809 in Shamokin, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, United States. He married Sarah Cool in New Jersey; she was born on Unknown in Hunterdon Co., NJ. She died about 1801.
Peter Rockefeller and Sarah Cool were married in New Jersey. They had one child.
i. Eliza Rockefeller was born on 20 Jan 1796 in Snydertown, Northumberland County, PA.
She died on 26 Aug 1881. Sex: Female. She was buried in Klinesgrove Cemetery.
Peter Rockefeller married(2) Elizabeth MILLER was born in 1788. She died in 1865. They were married on 08 Mar 1799 in Hunterdon Co.,NJ,USA.
They had the following children:
i. Maria ROCKERFELLER was born on 22 Feb 1807 in Northumberland County,
Pennsylvania ,USA. She lived in Shamokin, Northumberland, Pennsylvania in 1850. She
died on 21 Feb 1855.
ii. Sarah ROCKEFELLER was born on 12 Mar 1811. She married Aaron KELLY on 08 Dec 1829 in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania ,USA. She lived in Woodbury, Morrow, Ohio, United States in 1880. She died on 08 Feb 1889 in Morrow, Ohio, USA
iii. Hiram Rockefeller was born on 04 Oct 1808 in Pennsylvania, United States. He married
Elizabeth Wilkinson on 24 May 1836 in Northumberland, Northumberland, Pennsylvania,
United States. He died on 24 Nov 1894 in Northumberland County, PA. He was
buried in Irish Valley Methodist Church Cemetery. Transcription of Burial stone “age 86 years 1 month 20 days at his death on November 24, 1894.”
iv. Ann Rockefeller was born on Unknown. She died on Unknown.
Generation 3
4. Godfrey Rockefeller son of Johann Peter Rockefeller Jr and Mary Bellis was born in 1745 in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, USA. He died on 03 Jan 1818 in Snydertown, Hunterdon, New Jersey, United States. He was buried in Presbyterian Chapel, Shamokin, Northumberland, PA.
He married Margaret Lewis was born about 1759 in Hunterdon County, NJ. She died about 1790 in Snydertown, Northumberland, PA. She was buried in Presbyterian Chapel, Shamokin, Northumberland, PA. Godfrey Rockefeller and Margaret Lewis were married in Aug 1776 in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey. They had the following children:
i. Peter Rockefeller was born in 1781 in Hunterdon Co., NJ. He married Elizabeth MILLER
on 08 Mar 1799 in Hunterdon Co., NJ, USA. He lived in Shamokin, Northampton,
Pennsylvania in 1800. He died in Apr 1809 in Shamokin, Northumberland, Pennsylvania,
United States.
Generation 4
8. Johann Peter Rockefeller Jr son of Johann Peter Rockefeller and Anna Marie Remagen was born
on 22 Mar 1711 in Westerwald, Schaumburg, Niedersachsen, Germany. He died on 14 May 1787 in
Amwell, Hunterdon, New Jersey, USA. He lived in New York, USA between 1909-1925. He lived in
New York, USA between 1909-1925. Sex: Male. He lived in Hunterdon County, NJ.
Johann Peter Rockefeller Jr married 1st Elizabeth Peterson. They had no children.
Johann Peter Rockefeller Jr. married 2nd Mary Bellis daughter of William Bellis was born in 1723 in New Jersey, USA. She died in 1772 in New Jersey, USA. They were married in 1740 in New Jersey, USA. They had the following children:
i. Peter Rockefeller was born in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, USA. Sex: Male.
ii. John Rockefeller was born in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, USA. Sex: Male.
iii. Henry Rockefeller was born on 07 Mar 1747 in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, USA.
iv. William Rockefeller was born in 1750 in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, USA.
(William & Christina are the Great-Grandparents of John D. William of Standard Oil).
v. Mary Rockefeller was born in 1753 in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, USA.
vi. Jacob Rockefeller was born on 25 Jun 1756 in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, USA.
vii. David Rockefeller was born in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, USA. Sex: Male.
viii. Elizabeth Rockefeller was born in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, USA. Sex: Female.
ix. Godfrey Rockefeller was born in 1745 in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, USA. He
married Margaret Lewis in Aug 1776 in Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, USA. He died on
03 Jan 1818 in Snydertown, Hunterdon, New Jersey, United States. He was buried in Presbyterian Chapel, Shamokin, Northumberland, PA.
Generation 5
16. Johann Peter Rockefeller son of Johannes G Rockefeller and Elizabeth Margaretha Remagen was born on 17 Oct 1681 in Wied, Westerwaldkreis, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. The ship Johann and his sons came to America on was intended to land at NY Harbor, but the advers heavy northeast winds drove them south to Phil. Pa. From there they started to go overland to the Hudson River and to East Camp, NY but on the way many of them found the land of West NJ so well suited to farming they settled in Hunt. Co., NJ. He died on 06 Dec 1765 in Rocktown, Hunterdon, New Jersey, USA.
He married Anna Marie Remagen was born in 1684 in Westerwald, Schaumburg, Niedersachsen, Germany. She died in 1719 in Segendorf, Neuwied, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. Sex: Female.
Johann Peter Rockefeller and Anna Marie Remagen were married on 01 Dec 1707 in , Sagendorf,
Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. They had the following children:
i. Johann Peter Rockefeller Jr was born on 22 Mar 1711 in Westerwald, Schaumburg,
Niedersachsen, Germany. He married Mary Bellis in 1740 in New Jersey, USA. He died on
14 May 1787 in Amwell, Hunterdon, New Jersey, USA. He lived in New York, USA between
1909- 1925. He lived in New York, USA between 1909-1925. He lived in Hunterdon County, NJ.
Johann Peter Rockefeller and his two sons Peter and John came to America about 1720, arriving at Philadelphia. They were naturalized in 1730. Peter (known as second Peter) son of Johann Peter settled a few miles below Flemington in the township of Amwell. Johann Peter, the father, presumably settled farther north along the South Branch of the Raritan River where he built a mill on the site of the one now owned by Lewis Holcombe. This mill was rebuilt in 1838 and is still standing.
ii. Marie Eva Rockefeller was born in Germany. Sex: Female.
iii Christine Rockefeller was born in Germany. Sex: Female.
iv. Elizabeth Rockefeller. Sex: Female.
v. Elsie/Alice Rockefeller. Sex: Female.
vi. Christine Rockefeller was born in Germany. Sex: Female.
Children with 2nd wife Elizabeth Christina Runkle (b abt 1700) who he married 10/29/1720 in Bonefeld, Germany:
i. Catherine C. 3/3/31721/22 in Germany
ii. Ann C. 6/17/24 in Somerset Co., NJ
iii. Elizabeth b abt 1726 in Amwell, Hunt. Co., NJ
iv. William b abt 1727 in Amwell Twp., Hunt. Co., NJ
v. Mary
Generation 6
Johannes G Rockefeller son of Goddard ROCKENFELLER and Magdalena Unknown
was born in 1634 in Westerwald, Schaumburg, Niedersachsen, Germany. He died on 24 Aug 1684 in
Sengendorf, Neuwied, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
Johannes Goddard married Elizabeth Margaretha Remagen. She was born in 1634 in Segendorf, Neuwied, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. She died on 30 Jun 1678 in Segendorf, Neuwied, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. Their child was.
.i. Johann Peter Rockefeller was born on 17 Oct 1681 in Wied, Westerwaldkreis, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. He married Anna Marie Remagen on 01 Dec 1707 in , Sagendorf, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. He arrived in New York, NY in 1710. He died on 06 Dec 1765 in Rocktown, Hunterdon, New Jersey, USA. Sex: Male.
Generation 7
Goddard ROCKENFELLER son of Rockenfeller was born in 1590 in Westerwald, Schaumburg,
Niedersachsen, Germany. He died on 02 Aug 1684 in Segendorf, Neuwied, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
The Rockefellers trace their paternal line to Goddard Rockenfeller (1590) of Fahr, today part of
Neuwied, Germany. Goddard Rockenfeller may have been descended from Augier de Roquefeuil,
younger brother of Guillaume IV de Roquefeuil; and John (Jean) de Roquefeuil, the ancestor of the
Roquefeuil-Versols and Saint Etienne, Family of France; the sons of Adhemar I de Roquefeuil, Sire of
Versols (died 1477). Goddard Rockenfeller and his wife Magdalena lived in Rockenfeld, a small village in a woodland area of Westenvald, Germany, named for a person who built the first house there. "In the village of Rockenfeld the winters are long and severe...thunderstones, rain and rainbows are frequently seen. The soil is of clay, heavy and wet, but very fertile. The air is chilly...." The date of Goddards death is not know. Magdelena was still living on November 23, 1656, when she was sponsor at a christening. The first Rockefeller to settle in America was Johann Peter Rockefellerin in 1710, and moved in 1787, to Amwell Township, New Jersey.
He married Magdalena Unknown. She was born in 1592 in Westerwald, Schaumburg, Niedersachsen,
Germany and She died after 23 Nov 1656.
Goddard ROCKENFELLER and Magdalena Unknown had the following children:
i. Christian ROCKENFELLER was born in 1622 in Rockenfeld, Germany.
ii. Andreas ROCKENFELLER was born in 1624 in Rockenfeld, Germany.
iii. Johann Wilhelm ROCKENFELLER. in 1628 in Westerwald, Schaumburg,
Niedersachsen, Germany. He died on 06 Jul 1695 in Westerwald, Schaumburg, Germany.
iv. Johannes G Rockefeller was born in 1634 in Westerwald, Schaumburg, Niedersachsen,
Germany. He died on 24 Aug 1684 in Segendorf, Neuwied, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
v. Elizabeth ROCKENFELLER was born in 1637 in Rockenfeld, Germany.
Generation 8
Rockenfeller and unknown spouse married. They had the following child:
i. Goddard ROCKENFELLER was born in 1590 in Westerwald, Schaumburg, Niedersachsen, Germany. He died on 02 Aug 1684 in Segendorf, Neuwied, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. .
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